Brightly dyed sheep to graze in London's Savile Row to highlight wool price crisis

A flock of multi-coloured sheep will graze in Savile Row tomorrow to promote the declining wool market.

The London street, famed for its tailors, will be turfed over in preparation for a variety of unusual breeds, brightly dyed for the occasion.

About 80 retailers including Jigsaw, Kew and Marks & Spencer are backing the event, which is also supported by the Prince of Wales. Selfridges will have its own pen of sheep.

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John Thorley of the Campaign for Wool said prices had fallen so far that some farmers were burning stocks. 'Some bigger retailers have been tightening the nut that forces prices down,' he said, 'but this is a special product with remarkable qualities.'


Though prices have recovered, the industry remains depressed, he said.

'I'd like to see wool re-established as a fibre of consequence where workers get paid properly and people recognise that this animal is useful to the farming sector in a multitude of ways.'