Koshi Kawachi

MANGA Farming. 2009. Comic book, Seeds (Radish sprout),Water, Sun, Air

Japanese artist KOSHI KAWACHI creates installation that lends new meaning to leafing through manga comics. After unsuccessful attempts to grow other vegetables, such as spinat and carrots, he hit the jackpot with radishes. It takes from one to four weeks of sprouting between the pages before the seedings can be removed and replanted. Delicious!

3 commentaires pour “Koshi Kawachi”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by b-uncut.com, Lawrence Whiteley, Art Hound, blur Designs, b-uncut (art) and others. b-uncut (art) said: this is so cool: growing plants with comic books! [photos] http://ht.ly/2hfkX #comics #art #sculpture […]

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