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X-Com Creator Working On 3DS Launch Title
In the comments section of a Gamasutra interview with 2K's XCOM creative director Jonathan Pelling, original X-Com franchise creator Julian Gollop admits that he is working on a turn-based tactical RPG for Nintendo's 3DS.
"Publishers run a mile from anything with turn-based mechanics - it is regarded as too niche. RTS games pretty much killed off turn-based strategy games in the mid-90s - but now even RTS games are regarded as niche. So all my experience working turn-based games from 1983-1997 is now somewhat obsolete, despite the success of X-Com. However, I am now working on a turn-based tactical RPG which will be a 3DS launch title. Thanks to 'Advance Wars', 'Fire Emblem' and 'Final Fantasy Tactics' it seems turn-based games are not totally dead - at least for Nintendo handhelds. I would also argue that Pokemon has a lot of parallels with X-Com in its game system, despite being classified as an 'RPG'. The core of Pokemon is a turn-based tactical battle enriched by a sophisticated higher level meta-game that allows players to experiment with many game elements and combinations of forces - and Pokemon is the second most successful game franchise in the world. If done right, would an X-Com game with a turn-based combat system be successful? Absolutely!"
A tactical RPG inspired by Pokemon coming to the 3DS by the creator of the beloved X-Com series? Sounds like one more reason to pick up Nintendo's upcoming handheld.