
Europe getting 3rd Birthday, Dissidia 012 in spring 2011

Square Enix has confirmed that PSP exclusives The 3rd Birthday and Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy will be hitting European territories in spring 2011.

Info comes via a PSP line-up detailed by the company this morning, which also stamps a February date on Lord of Arcana. Tactics Ogre will follow soon after, apparently.

The Japanese giant also let slip that it plans to release special edition versions of both Dissidia and The 3rd Birthday, though didn’t lift the cloth on any further details at present.

As for our friends across the pond, Square’s already confirmed that The 3rd Birthday will release in the U.S. next spring, while Dissidia has just been given an ambiguous ‘2011’ date . Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.