Google: We're Working to Help Good Sites Caught by Spam Cleanup

When Google updated its algorithm late last week to weed out low-quality content factories from the top of search results, the changes didn’t sit well with all. Many well-known sites that pop up in search results despite having little good information, including Associated Content and Mahalo, were downgraded, according to an analysis by independent SEO […]

When Google updated its algorithm late last week to weed out low-quality content factories from the top of search results, the changes didn't sit well with all.

Many well-known sites that pop up in search results despite having little good information, including Associated Content and Mahalo, were downgraded, according to an analysis by independent SEO software firm Sistrix.

But other content manufacturers weren't. For instance, Demand Media, a content factory that churns out hundreds of web pages and videos daily, was hardly affected.

And then there is Cult of Mac, an Apple-focused blog which took a beating -- losing nearly all of its Google juice in the change, and causing traffic to the site to fall by one-third to one-half over the weekend.

(Disclosure: Cult of Mac's editor Leander Kahney was's managing editor and then news editor, until he left about two years ago to run Cult of Mac full time.)

That, Kahney told, could mean the death knell for his site.

"We worked hard to be original and have good quality content," Kahney said. "It seems very unfair, because there's a lot of shit sites that deserve to be downgraded."

Kahney said he suspects that Cult of Mac may have been downgraded because there are lots of sites that scrape and republish his content, which he never bothered to try to put a stop to. Another possibility is that the site has recently been publishing "How-Tos," which he hoped would provide a steady stream of traffic to augment the fluctuations of traffic patterns to news sites.

"You're not on the web if you're not on Google," Kahney said. "Google is the web -- who uses anything else to find stuff?"

Kahney, the site's only full-time staff, has six part-timers and hoped by the end of the year to be on solid financial ground, and have enough clout to get higher paying ads.

In Sistrix's computation of winners and losers, Cult of Mac lost 96 percent of its Google spots.

Update: Cult of Mac isn't alone in its complaints about being unfairly penalized. Willy Franzen, who runs two sites: and, is trying to figure out why Google now hates one of them.

"The jobs site got hit hard, and the internships site is untouched," Franzen said. "It's really inconsistent, and it's a big problem for my business."

Chuck Criss, the editor of Olive Drab, a military-focused site, says his traffic has plummeted as well from what he calls an "axe." is my hobby, started in 1998: The site has about 1,600 pages of content, with text written by me over the years and thousands of photos to illustrate the topics. The site has won some awards and I get lots of very favorable email from users. In no way is it a "link farm" or "MFA (Made for Adsense)."

I get revenue from the site by using Google's Adsense service plus book sales via Amazon and a few other minor advertisers. I rely entirely on "organic search" and do no advertising or PR.

Prior to the recent Google algorithm change, I had a consistent 25 to 28,000 page views per day, quite good for a site with no marketing budget. On Feb 25, the number was under 20,000 for the first time in a
long time. The next few days were very weak as well and today looks like the worst yet. The revenue hit was even greater than the loss of traffic, around 40-50% of prior levels.

As for the winners, the loot seems to be distributed, with a wide swath of sites picking up about 15 percent higher rankings, including, Instructables, Sears, DailyMotion, LinkedIn, Facebook,, the Library of Congress and Snopes. (Check the full list from Sistrix.)

For its part, Google refuses to discuss specific sites or what signals it manipulated to make the change.

However, Google Fellow Amit Singhal did say that the company tested the results in a new way, in addition to its usual tests. Those tests include asking a set of non-Google employees to rank new results versus old ones, much like an eye doctor asks which is better.

"If you do over a large range of queries, you get a very good picture of whether the new results are better than the old," Singhal said.

But after this change, the company asked additional questions about top sites to judge their quality, including "Would you feel comfortable giving this site your credit card number?" and "Would you feel comfortable taking medical advice for your child from this site?," according to Singh.

"The outcome was widely positive," Singhal said. (To be clear, these surveys are used to measure changes, not to create them.)

But what about a site like Cult of Mac and others that lost their rankings.

Singhal admits the change might not have been perfect, since "no algorithm is 100 percent accurate."

"We deeply care about the people who are generating high-quality content sites, which are the key to a healthy web ecosystem," Singhal said. "However, we don't manually change anything along these lines."

"Therefore any time a good site gets a lower ranking or falsely gets caught by our algorithm -- and that does happen once in a while even though all of our testing shows this change was very accurate -- we make a note of it and go back the next day to work harder to bring it closer to 100 percent."

"That's exactly what we are going to do, and our engineers are working as we speak building a new layer on top of this algorithm to make it even more accurate than it is," Singhal said.

That layer couldn't come fast enough for Kahney, who now is outranked by sites that have reprinted his original content without permission. For now, he plans to send copyright notices to some of the sites, stop publishing full RSS feeds to make reposters have to work harder and contact Google in hopes of restoring the site's search traffic.

"I'm hoping it will resolve -- don't know how. By magic I guess," Kahney said. "Maybe the good fairy Matt Cutts [Google's head of web spam] will swoop down and grant my wishes?"

UPDATE: Tuesday 8:45 PM Pacific - The interviews for this story were done on Monday. Kahney wrote in to say that his site suddenly recovered its Google juice Tuesday a.m. before the story ran.

"The site is miraculously back. Everything looks great. I'm wondering if it was you talking to them, but it was back in the index pretty early this AM," Kahney said.

See Also:- Google Clamps Down on Content Factories