3 LinkedIn Tools For Your E-Commerce Business

3 LinkedIn Tools For Your E-Commerce Business

There is more to LinkedIn than resumes and help wanted ads. Have you considered the resources and marketing possibilities for your eCommerce business? LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional business network with more than 450 million members in over 200 countries. Professional people are joining LinkedIn at a rate of more than two per second.

Source: Statista.com

Company Page

Company pages are open to the public. This means Google will index the information. This, in turn, means information on your LinkedIn company page will support your broader digital marketing efforts.

LinkedIn Groups

Being an active participant in LinkedIn Groups can help you interact with other professionals. Spending about 15 minutes responding to other questions and discussion topics can help raise awareness about you and your company.

LinkedIn Posts

All LinkedIn members can read LinkedIn Posts. You do not have to be connected to other LinkedIn members for them to see your posts. The main reason to use LinkedIn Posts, however, is that the information is open to the public outside of LinkedIn, which means, as with Company Pages, they are open to Google. LinkedIn Posts include a sleek interface, more text and font options, and automatic saving as you compose. You can add photos, images, and videos, too.

Read more of my article details about LinkedIn Tools for ECommerce at 3 LinkedIn Tools, for Ecommerce at Practical ECommerce.

Source Credits & Disclosures

  • LinkedIn Post Featured Image: Mike Petrucci @ Unsplash. Image creative adjustments by SmartFinds Marketing.
  • LinkedIn Membership statistics from Statista.
  • Disclosure: Melih Oztalay and SmartFinds Marketing do not have any affiliation with the recommended products or services mentioned in this article.

Melih Oztalay

Melih Oztalay Improves Digital Marketing Results | $30M+ generated for clients | Helping businesses increase by 200% their website conversions by optimizing their landing pages & CTAs


Steve Rosenbaum let me ask you to join this conversation and give you a chance to discuss your lead generation process. Specifically, this is about e-Commerce companies understanding that LinkedIn can be a lead generation tool. Since the sales process is not really different regardless of what platform one is on, you may be able to add some perspective. Thanks for joining this conversation.

David Jitendranath

Business identity | Digital Strategy Developer, Innovator, Deep Thinker and Advisor


These are very general tips for digital marketing using LinkedIn. With all due respect, It's a bit misleading to state that this post is for e-commerce businesses.

Melih Oztalay

Melih Oztalay Improves Digital Marketing Results | $30M+ generated for clients | Helping businesses increase by 200% their website conversions by optimizing their landing pages & CTAs


John Nemo you're quite busy and engaged with LinkedIn. Based on your knowledge I have to believe eCommerce businesses have different ways of using LinkedIn for their business, right? It seems that LinkedIn has gotten a bad wrap as a Jobs site vs being useful to businesses as a marketing tool too. Thoughts?

Ravi Halvadiya

IT Consultant- Open to discuss the digital solution for your business


Nice post sharing, Melih Oztalay LinkedIn has became the greatest business social networking platform with its enhanced features. Pearsonally it helps me to connect with my prospective clients.

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