
25 Apr 2024

Local TDs help launch nationwide fundraising appeal for vital Cystic Fibrosis services

 Local TDs help launch nationwide fundraising appeal for vital Cystic Fibrosis services

Lauren Dempsey, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland patient ambassador, Martin Kenny, TD and Peter Minchin, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland pictured lending their support to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland's 65 Roses Day appeal.

Local TDs Martin Kenny, Tony McLoughlin, Marc MacSharry and Eamon Scanlon have come up smelling of roses to launch Cystic Fibrosis Ireland's flagship fundraising appeal, 65 Roses Day, taking place on Thursday, April 13.

The Deputies are urging people across Leitrim and Sligo to join with them in nailing their purple colours firmly to the Cystic Fibrosis Ireland mast by buying a purple rose for €2 or donating online at As part of the nationwide effort, volunteers will be out and about selling purple roses on the streets of the country to raise much-needed funds.

65 Roses Day – so-named after the way in which young children are first taught to say the words "cystic fibrosis" – is part of Cystic Fibrosis National Awareness Week, from April 10 to 16. Monies raised will go to fund the development of dedicated healthcare facilities, research, counselling and much-needed grant supports for people with cystic fibrosis (CF) in areas such as transplant assessment, fertility and bereavement.

Members of the public can support people with cystic fibrosis on 65 Roses Day Thursday, April 13 by:

·         Buying a Purple Rose for €2 or donating online at

·         Completing a 65 Roses Challenge – see for details

·         Texting "65 Roses" to 50300* to donate €2

*Text costs €2. Cystic Fibrosis Ireland will receive a minimum of €1.63. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 6805278.

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