Ten Commandments of Blogging

On the mountain long ago Moses received God’s law. I haven’t been up to a mountain or anything, but I thought I’d use this pattern to make some points about blogging (and micro-blogging, too, if you’re in to social media like Twitter). So here you go with the Ten Commandments of blogging…

1. Thou shalt offer fresh and personal content and perspective with thy blog that you and only you can produce.

2. Thou shalt carve with lexis that common folk can twig (translation: You will write using words that real people can understand).

3. Thou shalt not tear someone else down with thy blog. If you have an issue with that person, go to them to work it out.

4. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor with thy blog.

5. Thou shalt not pluck quotes from thy neighbor’s blog without giving him credit.

6. Thou shalt not steal content from thy neighbor’s blog and portray it as thine own.

7. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s blog, but will be happy with thine own.

8. Thou shalt not spend more time blogging, reading blogs and/or commenting on blogs (let alone with any other type of social media) than with thy wife, kids and pet.

9. Thou shalt take time for rest and relaxation from blogging at consistent intervals. Go outside and smell the roses.

10. Thou shalt not make an idol out of blogging. Thy life consists of much more than that.

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Brilliant!

  2. I especially like #2! Very nice.
    So can I post this on my office wall as long as I give you credit?

  3. Very nicely done.

  4. Very succinct! Thanks for including pets in your point about the family.

  5. The “pets” part really got me. OUCH! 🙂

    I liked this quite a lot.

  6. Great post. I’m just coming off a “social media sabbatical” after abusing #8.

  7. So there I was sailing along that’s me, that’s me, okay, I’m good. Then I came to #8, ouch my computer see’s much more of me than my wife… oh well that will change soon. Thanks for putting this up. With Jesus as the ultimate webmaster, he must spend much time daily just shaking his head, I simply try not to offend.

  8. Pastor Mike,
    Awesome post… will repost with copious attribution. 🙂

    Andrew Anderson
    Prophet Consultant

  9. I can just see Moses with these commandments on two iPads. lol

  10. What a great list! I especially love the last 2!

  11. Nice job here!

  12. Very well Put..it also apply’s to tweets and Facebook postings. I see so many tweets that adopt ones Ideas and virtues as their own.

  13. Amen!

  14. Good tips!


  15. Amen and AMEN! Did Moses email these to you? LOL! Just kidding. But really, so far so good for me on all points. Blogging is last on my list (as is other social media). God and my family come first. FIRST! Oh, and the cat is in there, too. He’s very important to us.

    Thank you for this post! 🙂

  16. And Gaga said Amen

  17. Funny stuff, but so right-on!

  18. Ha! Love it!

  19. Ha! Love this!

  20. Wow, I think its brilliant.

  21. Oh, that everyone would follow these “commandments.” Love your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Haha thats hilarious! check my blog out too!

  23. AMEN!

  24. Good stuff! I think along with not spending more time with blogs than with family & friends, we should also have a proper balance of reading blogs versus writing on our own (lest we think our voice is more important than all others).

  25. I love it!:) Thanks for sharing. You know, Moses could have said that…

  26. I believe it is by the inspiration of GOD that this commandments of yours came to be. I bless GOD for your life and mine, too.

  27. this is cool. thanks for sharing.

  28. Moses could use this commandments if he’s here today. lol

  29. Very clever! And very wise advice. 🙂

  30. love it! Praise God for wit, humour, and Wisdom!!!

  31. Wow! This is really beautiful and very insightful. Thanks for posting this. God bless you!

  32. Love it!

  33. Though I am very late seeing this, I had to let you know how I LOVED it. Great reminder for me not to binge blog! LOL! TY

  34. Wow! I’ve seen a lot of these lists, but I like this one the best! Very original. I also think we should add thou shall not put blogging or anything blogging related before Me! I know I am a little dried up right now becuase I haven’t been filling myself as I should. After all, my posts come from the voice of God in my life. I need to take time with him or I have nothing to write about.

  35. Anonymous says

    originality and simplicity. I like the last 3. Great 10…not just a great one