It Was God

Creation of Adam by Michelangelo“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” (Psalm 37:23; KJV)

It was 30 years ago last January that I accepted the Lord.

As I reflect upon my walk with Christ over these past three decades, I can’t help but think about how it’s been God whose been guiding me every step of the way.

It was God who used that car accident to first get my attention so that I might get saved in 1984.

It was God who put various people in my life so that I would be exposed to Christianity and what ministry was really all about.

It was God who allowed me to discover that Bible study class at the Catholic Church where I would teach the Bible for the very first time (even though I didn’t know much about it!).

It was God who caused me to come across an Assemblies of God Church where I would really “get fed” His Word.

It was God who led me to the Bible School that just happened to be a part of that Assemblies of God Church where I would eventually meet the woman who would become my wife.

And so on and so forth.

It was God!

It was God!!

It was God!!!

It’s been the Lord all along the way whose been orchestrating my life and directing and saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it,” and, “No, Mike, not that way.”

It’s been the Lord all along the way and even up to where I am today (the first time I wrote this at the 20-year mark of following Jesus, I was about to stand in the pulpit to preach; today I’m a blogger and online Bible Study teacher with a worldwide reach/audience).

No, my brothers and sisters, I haven’t become rich as a Christian.

But I have more than money can buy.

I have a friend in Jesus who is ever present with me guiding my way.

You do, too. (Isaiah 30:21)

(Creation of Adam by Michelangelo picture file above is in the public domain: click here.)

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.