How Your Physical Health will Make You Rich

We spend half of our health trying to gain wealth. Then we spend half of our wealth trying to regain our health. This is not wise. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We all struggle in making choices that either prioritize our health or our wealth.

How your physical health will make you rich podcast

While they aren’t always mutually exclusive, when they are, it can present quite the challenge, which may look like this:

  • I don’t have time for the gym because I have deadlines (prioritizing wealth).
  • It’s more cost-effective to eat out. I make more money in the time it would take to prepare a meal at home (prioritizing wealth).
  • It’s too expensive to eat healthful foods (prioritizing wealth).
  • Healthful foods are expensive, so my family is learning how to garden (prioritizing both health and wealth).
  • I know it’s easier to eat out, but it’s so much healthier to cook at home. So that’s what I choose (prioritizing health).
  • My kids need to learn how to cook, so I’m taking time to teach them (prioritizing health).
  • I need to learn how to cook, so I’ve registered for classes (prioritizing health).
  • I need these medications, but then I can’t afford my food (issue is both health and wealth, and this is a concern facing many older Americans).

[ctt tweet=”Understand how your physical health will make you rich with @franceslarnold and @avawaits” coverup=”Eld5b”]

In this podcast, we’ll hear from a financial and health coach, Ava Waits.

Ava will address how physical health is the springboard for financial health.

In this interview, Ava shares:

  • The often overlooked relationship between physical health and monetary health;
  • A new definition of riches, that will give you permission to care for yourself in deeper ways than you ever thought possible;
  • How you can start feeling wealthier right away, and why this leads to more monetary wealth;
  • How to find money that you didn’t even know you had by stopping several common money leaks;
  • Her surprising history with poverty, and her life beyond poverty.

Here are some of the areas I ask Ava to discuss about financial and physical wealth:

  • How can we expand our definition of wealth?
  • Is poverty or wealth a mindset?
  • How can we shift our thinking to feel wealthier?
  • Which foods to you feel increase a person’s internal wealth?
  • How do we decide where to spend our money?
  • How can we find money that we thought we didn’t have?
  • Where are common money leaks?

Download your free gift, called ““5 Secret Steps to Release Financial Constriction and Let Your Business Take You On Vacation!”.

AvaWaitsAva Waits supports entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers to feed the source of their success, release financial constriction, and build a professional life that bends to their itinerary. The same processes that she teaches her clients were what allowed Ava to go from earning $1,200 per month in her business, to signing on over $17,000 worth of new business in 30 days. She mentors entrepreneurial women all over the world to create richer businesses.

As a speaker, Ava has been interviewed on television, and has been invited to train and inspire audiences at business events, women’s organizations, fundraisers, and financial companies. Prior to serving entrepreneurs, Ava ran her own holistic nutrition company. To learn more, please visit


6 responses to “How Your Physical Health will Make You Rich”

  1. Frances this is a fabulous exploration of the connection between our health and wealth. The phrase the best health care is self-care is one I live by and share with my clients. Thank you so much!

  2. Emily says:

    Such an important topic, and so often overlooked! Once people start to figure out that health and wealth are linked, they never look back – thank you both for sharing such great info!

  3. laura says:

    I haven’t listened in yet but Ava + Francis = Dynamite duo!!!!

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