Getting Your Customers to Understand the Value Your House Cleaning Service Provides | How to start a residential cleaning business

Getting Your Customers to Understand the Value Your House Cleaning Service Provides

Getting clients to understand the value of our service before they buy.
Getting clients to understand the value of our service before they buy.
Jean Hanson

Have you ever had a customer say that your service is so great it's worth much more than what they paid? We've all heard it, but sometimes it seems like pulling teeth to get them to understand the value of our service before they buy. Wouldn't it be easier if you could use your customers' own words to persuade them to buy your house cleaning services?

The first challenge is to position your valuable service around the results you achieve for your clients. The more you can do this, the more likely you are to gain them as a client, and at the price you want and deserve. The second challenge is to provide "social proof". In other words, getting your current customers to talk about the value they receive from you. Here is how to tackle these two challenges.

1. Ask the prospect a question that gets her to state the value she's looking for.

For example, "What exactly do you need us to accomplish for you when we clean your home?" Is she just looking for a light cleaning every other week to save her some time and keep the price down? Or does she want a top-to-bottom cleaning every week to keep the home spotless so she never has to think about cleaning?

After she answers, restate what she just said because it boosts the odds that she will reply "yes, that's correct." In a way, she's convincing herself that the investment in your cleaning service is worthwhile.

2. Use customer endorsements to boost your credibility.

People want to be shown why they should do business with you. It's not very practical to clean their house just to prove your value, so the next best thing is to let your current customers tell them what a great value your service is.

To get the most value from the endorsements you receive, be sure to use the customer's full name and where they live. Having a page of testimonials from "JT" and "RJ", will have an adverse affect -- the customer will think you made them all up. But if you quote from a letter that Joan Thompson of Edina, MN wrote, the prospect is much more likely to feel confident in your ability to provide the value she's looking for. And if you can get an endorsement from one of her neighbors, your chances will go up substantially.

Letting your customers do the talking for you is a great way to get people to understand the value of your cleaning service. They will literally convince themselves that YOU are the one they want to do business with!

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Jean Hanson helps owners of commercial cleaning companies build a more profitable and successful cleaning business through her online community at Jean is also the host of the popular Web TV show and author of the newsletter Trash Talk - sign up today!

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