Male Breast Reduction

Is There a Best Time in Your Life for Male Breast Reduction?

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged male breasts, sometimes also referred to as “man boobs.” While this condition is often associated with being overweight, men with any body type can experience symptoms because it is caused by an imbalance in hormone levels. Because of this, some boys begin to notice signs of male breast enlargement around puberty, but these symptoms will sometimes resolve on their own.

Since gynecomastia can affect boys and men of nearly any age, however, it can be difficult to determine when the best time to consider male breast reduction surgery might be. Ask yourself these three questions to help you decide if now might be the right time to consider this procedure.

Are You Over 18?

Male breast enlargement can lead to self-esteem issues, which may result in social isolation and an inactive lifestyle, which can worsen these concerns. Because of this, many boys and young men who begin to notice gynecomastia symptoms may consider getting male breast reduction surgery to get a straighter, more masculine physique.

However, boys who are still going through puberty may not be the best candidates for this procedure, as it is possible that their enlarged breasts will go away on their own. If you notice that your child is severely struggling with the psychological effects that gynecomastia can have, though, it may be appropriate to discuss the possibility of surgery with your doctor.

Otherwise, it is generally recommended to wait until you are at least 18 years old to have male breast reduction surgery.

Are You In General Good Health?

Conversely, some men may have reservations about getting male breast reduction surgery later in life due their age. Truthfully, men of virtually any age can be good candidates for this procedure, provided that they are in general good health. The best candidates, then, should be at or close to their ideal weight, be in good physical condition and don’t smoke.

In addition, there are other medical conditions and treatments that could also lead to male breast enlargement, including anti-androgens, certain anti-anxiety and depression medications, ulcer medications and cancer treatment. Before self-diagnosing yourself with gynecomastia and seeking surgical treatment, talk to your doctor about any medications you’re currently taking or any pre-existing conditions you may have to rule out other possible causes.

What Does Your Personal Schedule Look Like?

Recovery after male breast reduction surgery is typically a very smooth and relatively painless process.

Everyone will recover at his own pace, but most men plan to take a week or so off from work following their male breast reduction surgery. So you’ll need to take this into account when deciding when the best time is to schedule your procedure around work and other personal obligations. While recovery after gynecomastia surgery is generally quick and seamless, you’ll still need to give your body some downtime to rest and heal.

You’ll also need to arrange for some help during your recovery, as you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for the first couple of weeks after your procedure. These are plans that you should take into consideration before scheduling any cosmetic surgery to help make the entire process as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Have You Consulted an Experienced Cosmetic Surgeon?

Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to move forward with male breast reduction surgery, consult a cosmetic surgeon who has experience performing this type of procedure. He or she can help you determine if you could benefit from gynecomastia surgery, address any questions or concerns you have and design a surgical plan to fit your unique needs.


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