Future Shop and Best Buy Taking iPhone 5 Pre-Orders In-Store [Update]
We predicted this was coming because it was available in the past–Future Shop and Best Buy are taking iPhone 5 pre-orders for all the official carriers. All you have to do is pay a $50 deposit and head down to the store on the September 21st launch day to pick up your iPhone 5.
The Future Shop location we spoke to noted they usually make courtesy calls to setup appointments prior to the launch day to help expedite the process. Stores are set to open at 8AM we’re told. Best Buy said their pre-orders are guaranteed and stores as of now are set to open at 10AM.
If you’ve had trouble pre-ordering online from the ‘Big 3’, try visiting your local Future Shop or Best Buy to secure an iPhone 5. Or, maybe try Apple Stores on launch day–lines should be reduced as unlocked iPhone 5 units won’t be available in stores.
Update (Sept. 20, 4:15pm): Future Shop and Best Buy have started calling people to come get their iPhone 5 units tomorrow. We’re told that some Best Buy stores won’t have 16GB White iPhone 5s available, and for the inconvenience those that ordered will get a $50 Best Buy gift card or choose a different model in stock.
Looks like Future Shop also has shortages of White models in 32GB/64GB. $50 gift cards being offered.