The Moose is Loose

For those times when you need a little accountability, motivation, or a simple kick in the pants


August 22, 2011

The Moose is FINALLY Loose

Welcome to my first issue of the Moose is Loose.  It's been a long time in the making (but thank you for your patience), but at last, here it is.  Please enjoy and feel free to share with friends or email me directly with any suggestions or comments.

You can email me here.

Remember, "healthy is as healthy does!" So do what's right and share the passion to live a healthy, active lifestyle with everyone you meet. 

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No Equipment? No worries. Period.

92 Exercises, no equipment needed

Over the past few weeks I've received many tweets, RT's, and shares on this article, so thought it fitting that it be include it 1st issue of the Moose is Loose.   

Many of us use the excuse that a) we don't have time for exercise or b) we don't have the necessary tools - well, you'll both love and hate this post as it provides you with not 1, not 2, but 92 workouts sans-equipment

Click here for the full list.

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Words that inspire

I love quotes.  All quotes, whether they be sayings, a famous expression, or just a little off-cuff remark caught by some looming reporter.  Little inspirational (or not so inspirational) words shared by people from many different molds, which are sometimes just want we need to hear to keep our own momentum moving forward.  These are just a few of my favorites which I thought you might find entertaining, inspirational, or just good for a laugh.  Enjoy! 

Read more here

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