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Go have an O.S.M. today, don't wait

Hi friend,

Welcome to the 9th issue of the Moose is Loose.

I'm writing this newsletter from a bed in St. Paul's Hospital in downtown Vancouver, B.C.  It's 6 days since I completed the Tough Mudder challenge in Whistler from which I sustained an infection on my left leg which left me hospitalized for 3 days.   You might wonder do I regret doing it?  My response to that question is simple...

Absolutely NOT.

You ever have one of those "Oh $hit" moments?

You know, that moment when you stop yourself mid-stride, mid-sentence, and mid-thought to be struck frozen by a singular, blinding epiphany?  Only one thought echoes through your cranium at that exact point, and all you can ask yourself is "oh my God, what have I got myself in to?"

Yes!  That's the moment when the only response to your internal rhetoric is...

"Oh $hit!"

So I ask you, when was the last time you put yourself up against a challenge that you perceived as being insurmountable?

The Tough Mudder was my O.S. moment and I'm glad I pushed through it (even if it meant being hospitalized for a few days)

Read on.



Growing up as a morbidly obese teenager I had my fair share of days of Low S.O.  In fact I was at my lowest when I was first introduced to Henry Rollins by way of his spoken word performances and old-school Black Flag CD’s.  (To best describe his music it is rip-your-heart-out-gut-wrenching-blood-boiling-make-you-wanna-run-and-jump-and-lift-some-heavy-$hit kinda of stuff!)  His music spoke to me on many levels, but even more so, some of his writings were motivators for me and my want to change.  But the only person able to start that change was the person I saw in the mirror every morning… the following essay speaks to many of us who have discovered weight training’s therapeutic qualities.  Enjoy!

Full essay by Henry Rollins is posted here.

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25 Injury Insights YOU should know

If there’s one thing that Crossfitters like to bond over, it is our injuries along the road to awesomeness. Dealing with and overcoming injury can be extremely difficult for us.  Why? Our sport is all-encompassing. Anyone who has ever stepped into a box – and has come back again the next day – instantly realizes it is a lifestyle.  Hence...


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Goal Setting the "S.M.A.R.T." way

Success:  Next Exit

In case you missed last month's article on S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, you can have a re-read here.

Need help setting your Summer goals?  I'd be happy to help walk you through the process.  Just let me know.

Remember, when setting your goals, know your WHY.  (Here's my WHY)

What's your WHY?  What does it mean to break the cycles and habits that keep us from advancing or improving?  What drives you to do the things you do?  All of these are questions we need to ask ourselves daily and once we find the answers, we can set our sights on our goals and let our passions drive us.   

Go to it!  Get your success... deep down, you already know the path to follow and it's just a matter of taking that first step and creating the momentum to follow through.  I believe in you as do others in your spheres of influence, cut out the nay sayers and stick with the positive people and reach your goals and live the life you want.

Do you have an accountability coach?  Email me directly and I will help you find your success.  WARNING, only do this if you are committed to following through 120%.  I'm excited to help you get results...

And remember, Always Keep Moving  

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