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I blinked and I missed January... how about you?

Hi , 

Welcome to the 5th issue of the Moose is Loose.  

Did you set a goal for 2012?  Did you write it down?  Did you tell someone about it?

No? Well, why not?

I believe a lot of the time as people living busy lives we get distracted by the daily little things and ultimately miss the big things that make our lives truly special.  

You are probably wondering what I mean by that.  After all any book you pickup and read now a days in the selfhelp section of the bookstore talks about "the small stuff"...

So I ask you, so what if I don't empty the garbage today? What if I leave the dishes until tomorrow?  How about leaving the laundry for another day, say next week?  These little things can consume our lives if we let them. I say the hell with them!  (that's right, you heard me, bye bye household chores and responsibilities!)

Instead of bogging yourself down with household mundaness, go for a walk outside with your loved ones; do something physical; go primal - pickup some rocks, chase a bird, go swing on the monkey bars at the playground.  Make some memories that will be lasting for you and your families and get physical fitness front of mind.  If you do, everything else will fall in place, I'm sure of it.

And heck, if I'm completely off my tree on this one, keep in mind that household chores like general cleaning etc burns about 215 calories per hour!  How's that for a workout?!

In my last newsletter, I challenged you to find someone to hold you accountable to your health and fitness goals.  Don't worry if you didn't happen to find someone, email me directly and I'd be happy to be your coach.  However, WARNING, only do this is you are committed to following through 100%.  

Happy February, !

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Childhood Obesity: When are we going to do something about it?

Childhood Obesity is an epidemic!

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in North America today.  Children to adults alike are becoming more sedentary with each passing generation.  In the past 30 years we’ve sat back and theorized as the statistics go up and up and up.  Why?

Please leave your comments and thoughts on the blog post here

This will make you laugh: The S$!T CrossFitters Say

The Sh*t CrossFitters Say

CrossFitters aren’t always the most eloquent, refined or polished people you’d meet, but we all love to train hard… sometimes I think the blood flows away from the brain to the muscles and hence leaves us saying some of the craziest things.  Oh the s#!t Crossfitters say…

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The Whole Food Project Interview

Keep moving forward

I felt a great sense of honor when I was asked to be interviewed as the “fitness expert” for The Whole Food Project.  

The Whole Food Project, an online community dedicated to “going clean by living a healthier life free of chemicals and toxins”, is an organization devoted to the preservation of natural and clean alternatives to chemicals.  They take a fun, easy approach to educating oneself about all the alternatives to our “fast food” lifestyles.  The best part?  You will become healthier and happier guaranteed with only a few small changes in how you look at your world.  Changing habits for the better is what they specialize in!

Read more here.