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Forget the goals, just take ACTION now!

Hi friend, 

Welcome to the 6th issue of the Moose is Loose.  

Last issue I chatted about goals, well, this month forget the goals... it's time to take ACTION!

I find that more often than not we get bogged down with goal planning and setting targets for ourselves to achieve.  We put time restraints on hitting these goals and then get discouraged if we miss them.  Why put this extra pressure on ourselves?  

When it comes to your own personal goals, ask yourself the following:

1.  Are my goals helping me stay focused on what I'm trying to achieve?

2.  Are my goals realistic and achievable in the time I've given myself to reach them?

3.  What happens if I miss my goals? (i.e. how does it affect my spirits and mood?)

Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to think that I'm saying forget about setting any goals for yourself.  Quite the contrary, I think goals are important, but when setting them I truly feel that our goals should be realistic and attainable, and ultimately should set us up for success and not failure.

I know that having an overall goal front-of-mind is crucial in determining the path we follow.  If you set yourself a 90-day goal, keep it realistic and take ACTION.  Set mini-milestones to hit and when you HIT them, CELEBRATE these wins.  The more little successes you have eventually it will lead you to one BIG success!  (and don't stress out about timelines... stay the course and eventually you will get there)

No matter what, always keep yourself moving.  Don't get discouraged if you take a detour and have to deviate from your path (i.e. a family vacation, wedding, etc).  Your internal GPS will get you back on course - remember 1 week off should not be an excuse for 1 month off!  Your goals aren't going anywhere and will still be there when you choose to TAKE ACTION and get your goals back in focus.

So what are you waiting for?  Take Action now and set yourself a 90-day challenge goal.  I'm here to be your accountability coach and can assist you with your goal planning and road mapping to a successful challenge.  

Email me directly and I will guarantee you success.  However, WARNING, only do this if you are committed to following through 100%.  I'm excited to help you get results...

And remember, Always Keep Moving!

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25 Injury Insights Everyone Needs to know

Always keep moving

If there’s one thing that Crossfitters like to bond over, it is our injuries along the road to awesomeness. Dealing with and overcoming injury can be extremely difficult for us.  Why? Our sport is all-encompassing. Anyone who has ever stepped into a box – and has come back again the next day – instantly realizes it is a lifestyle.

Read the full article here.

The Spartan Race: Are you up for the challenge?

Show up! Sign up.  Don't give up!

Super excited to announce that both Christie (aka Mom_ontheRun) and myself have registered for the Spartan Race!  We’ve talked and talked and talked about how great of an idea it would be to take part in this event… and well, enough talking already!  Whether you are local to us or not, let's take on the challenge together...

... continued here

The Revolutionary 12-Step Paleo Diet

What is the Paleo Diet?

This program is for those who are in serious need of help and/or want to lose weight, look, feel, and do better. Most diets out there are hard to follow. Diets are easy to preach, but hard to practice. I can’t get you from zero to hero in a day. I know for a fact that eating a grain, dairy, legume free diet will lead you to a healthier life but most people can’t implement these changes overnight. Following a paleo diet will get you looking, feeling, and performing better. It’s just that going from how you eat now to how you’re “supposed” to eat is easier said than done.

Read about all 12-steps here.