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Louisiana inmate stuffed cell phone up butt to smuggle it into jail: cops


A Louisiana inmate tried to smuggle a cell phone into jail by stuffing it up his butt, police said.

Anthony Alvey was being transferred between two detention centers when a full-body scan allegedly showed the gadget hidden inside his rectal cavity.

The 22-year-old initially denied the scam – which was revealed as he was being taken from Madison Detention Center, in Tallulah, to Caddo Correctional Center, in Shreveport.

But he later reportedly confessed to carrying a phone inside his person after officers ordered a second much-clearer scan.

Taken to the local University Health Center, he managed to remove the device without help from doctors.

It’s not clear why Alvey was originally in custody.

He was being transferred for sentencing, and – after being arrested – now faces and additional charge of bringing contraband into a penal facility, according to Fox 8 Live.

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator told the Shreveport Times that cell phones were banned at the correctional center as “they encouraged unmonitored outside contact with others.”